From all the names produced by Aunt Myra and later from the records gathered by Fred and Arlene Tolman, there must have been more names for temple ordinances than cousins to perform the ordinances. Loraine Tolman Pace, Family Genealogist from 1996 to the present, noted, “While typing the 1940 records I began to see entries such as, “paid for 200 names $100 Ephraim Tolman,” “Austin Tolman $10 for 20 names, “ “100 male names J.H. Yancy $50,” “$25 Jerry Jones for 50 names.” In her 1943 letter to William Tolman, Myra makes a request for contributions which shed light on this financial puzzle that I was trying to put together.

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Thomas Tolman Family Organization
Thomas Tolman Family Organization
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