Helpful Links
LDS Ancestral Families Association (LDSAFA) is a free registration, publication and support consortium for LDS Ancestral Family Organizations (AFOs). An Ancestral Family Organization (AFO) is larger than a parent or grandparent family and includes the descendants of a common ancestral couple. The Thomas Tolman Family Organization is a member LDSAFA.

RootsTech is the largest family history and technology conference in the world. View keynote speakers and other presentations from the 2016 video archives or the 2017 video archives. (Note: For the 2017 archives, follow the link and then click on menu in the top right and select the sessions by day you wish to view.)
FamilySearch is a genealogy organization operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint and is the largest genealogy organization in the world. FamilySearch gathers, preserves, and shares genealogical records worldwide. It offers free access to its resources and service online at

FamilySearch has close partnerships with,,,, and Members of the LDS church receive free access to these services with their LDS login.
FamilySearch has also partnered with a number of companies that offer access to free apps to help facilitate family history work
Puzzilla is a great tool that interacts with FamilySearch to help do descendancy research. Puzzilla Descendants Viewer lets researchers see descendants in FamilyTree using compact symbols that reveal patterns in collateral-line research. Names and details appear as you move the pointer over the symbols.
Find a Grave is a free website that allows the public to access and add to an online database of cemetery records.
The Family History Guide is a website that represents a best-in-class learning environment for family history. Whether you’re brand new to family history or a seasoned researcher or somewhere in between, The Family History Guide can be your difference maker.
The Tallman DNA Project’s goal is to compile a database of Y-DNA results to help identify the various Tallman lines which includes Tolman lines and to provide a valuable tool for genealogical research of our surname. Join the project today and get a discount off of your Y-DNA test (for males only—recruit Tolman brothers, uncles, etc.)
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet is a categorized and cross-referenced list of links for genealogical research. The site contains roughly 332,000 links in more than 200 categories.
History at Home: A Guide to Genealogy by Home Advisor
The Holbrook Family Organization has connections with the Thomas Tolman Family Organization. Sarah Lucretia Holbrook married Judson Tolman in Nauvoo, Illinois on 12 January 1846.
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Thomas Family Family Organization
Family History Tips
Ten reasons to use FamilySearch
Common concerns using FamilySearch
Tips to establish your family organization
Tips for writing, preserving and sharing your history
Tips for helping elderly family member preserve and share their history