Judson Tolman: Guard and Militiaman
(Picture: Salt Lake City in 1850) Given the periodic difficulties that the Mormon settlers were having with the Indians and the large numbers of gentile “forty-niners” who were traveling through the territory, Brigham Young called a company of thirty-one...
Brigham Young’s 1848 Company, Arriving in the Salt Lake Valley and Settling the Tooele Valley
What do we know of the company of which Judson and Sarah Lucretia Tolman were members during the late spring and summer of 1848? The “Journal History of the Church” records the following details: Judson and Sarah Lucretia Holbrook Tolman were members of...
Judson Tolman and the Practice of Plural Marriage
As an introduction to this part of our narrative, let us consider the practice of plural marriage in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Elder Bruce R. McConkie explains that “As early as 1832 the Lord revealed to the prophet (Joseph Smith) the...
The Sons and Daughters of Judson Tolman
Of these twenty-nine children, born to Judson Tolman and the three wives with whom he bore children, twenty were present for the attached photograph is 1903. Sarah Margaret Tolman born on March 28, 1847 to Sarah Lucretia Holbrook. Nancy Jane Tolman born on February 4,...
Judson Tolman and the Historic Bountiful Tabernacle
“By 1863 the splendid edifice known as the Bountiful Tabernacle had been built and dedicated. It was started in 1857 and had cost about $60,000.00, a considerable sum for those days, but it still stands after these seventy-six (now one hundred and forty-seven)...
True to the Faith
(An account written by John Odell Tolman about Judson Tolman and Joseph Holbrook and their families.) In September, 2002, my wife and I spent four glorious days in Nauvoo soaking in all that the restoration of the City of Joseph has to offer with the highlight of...
Judson Tolman’s Early Life, Conversion, and Marriage (1826-1848)
Judson Tolman, son of Nathan and Sarah Hewitt Tolman, was born July 14, 1826, a short fifty years after the winning of American independence from Great Britain. The Tolman name, however, was part of American history since the arrival, in the 1630s, of Thomas Tolman,...
Judson Tolman and the Crickets of 1850
The power of prayer and the gift of tongues.

A Short Sketch of the Life of Judson Tolman
Contribution by Ben Baker. It is relatively rare to have stories written by our ancestors themselves, but we have just that from Judson Tolman. Here are his own words.

A Day to Remember
An account written by John O. Tolman about Judson and Sarah Lucretia Tolman as they were preparing to leave Nauvoo, Illinois with the saints.