The Birth of William Odell Tolman
(The following are excerpts from William Odell Tolman: Patriarch, Genealogist, Teacher compiled by Loraine Tolman Pace, First Edition, 2009, pages 2-3) I was born in the little country community of Island, seven miles north of Oakley, Cassia, Idaho, 11 July 1910. The...Island Grade School
William Alvin Tolman and Hattie Naomi Tolman’s children along with Parley Lambert Tolman and Lydia Vilate Tolman’s children attended this grade school in Island. This was the first school William Odell Tolman attended in 1916. Related Stories The Island...
A Tribute to Joshua Alvin Tolman and Mary Jane Gorringe
1901 family photo in Oakley or Marion, Idaho. (Standing L to R: Cyrus Oakley, Owen Joshua, Mary Alice, William Alvin, Lydia Ann, Joseph Osborn, Parley Lambert; Sitting L to R: Daniel Henry, Joshua Alvin, Louisa Hancock, Fannie Burgess, Rulon Burl, Mary Jane, Front:...
Running Scared Aboard the Duchess of Atholl
An account from William Odell Tolman’s journal as he crosses the Atlantic Ocean on the passenger ship the Duchess of Atholl to begin his missionary service in England in November of 1928.