(From Benjamin Hewitt Tolman: Brother, Pioneer, Husband, Father by Dawnine T Mills Johnson, First Edition, 2014, pages 3-1 to 3-18).
[Author’s Note: Unless otherwise marked the following information on Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II comes from three sources: “Family Book of Remembrance and Genealogy with Allied Lines,” compiled by Leonidas DeVon Mecham, December 25, 1952; and “History of Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II Son of Benajmin Hewitt Tolman and Sarah Jane Angel,” compiled by Dawn Tolman Mills, October 1951; and “Journals of Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II” published by The Tolman Family Organization , 2007.)]
BENJAMIN HEWITT TOLMAN II was born in Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah Territory, March 15, 1853, to Benjamin Hewitt Tolman and Sarah Jane Angell. In 1857 his father died at the age of 28, [Benjamin was born May 23, 1829; died Dec 14,1857-‐-‐puts his age at death 28 yrs 7 months] leaving his mother, Sarah Jane, with three small children, Benjamin Hewitt, Polly Jane, and Emma Mariah. Sarah Jane worked very hard to support her small children.
Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II
On September 16, 1860, Sarah Jane married Jarvis Johnson, a widower with five small children. In a few years she became the mother of seven more children, Alpheus, Martha, Alice, Lon and three more who died young. Hard work shortened her life and she died March 21, 1869, at the age of 36, having taught her children the ways of righteousness.
Sarah Jane Angell Tolman Johnson Jarvis Johnson
In speaking of his mother Benjamin Hewitt II wrote in his journal, “No boy ever had a greater mother. Her love for me and her other children seemingly had no bounds. She taught me to be honest and to have implicit faith in God. I have heard men and women say who knew her that she was always neat and natty and all children loved her because she was no kind and always had time to listen to their joys and sorrows.” She must have been an elect mother to have had such a wonderful family.
Benjamin Hewitt II was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on July 30, 1865, by Stephen Wight. He was confirmed the same day by the same man.Ever since his baptism he had a strong testimony of the gospel. After his mother’s death in 1869, Benjamin Hewitt II was left without a penny and went to Salt Lake City to visit his relatives and also in search of work.
In the spring of 1870 he worked for his brother-in-law, Samuel W. Woolley in Grantsville, Tooele County. Being dissatisfied there, he left and went to work in East Canyon for his uncle, Judson Tolman cutting pines for ties for the railroad. While there he was severely hurt by a falling pine tree, which fell across his hips. It was a long time before he could work. In 1872 he worked in Franklin and Soda Springs, Idaho, building fence and harvesting.The spring and summer of 1873 found him freighting for the mines in Salmon River Area, Idaho. Most of the year of 1874 he worked at the carpenter’s trade under the direction of Martin Luther Ensign of Brigham City.
Samuel W. Woolley
Benjamin received two patriarchal blessings. (Refer to Appendix III for the patriarchal blessings.) The first was given him by Patriarch John Smith, October 27, 1874, at Brigham City. He was promised many wonderful things. He was ordained an Elder in the winter of 1874 by Samuel W. Woolley Elder Forsgren. He also was given a blessing by his Uncle, Judson Tolman, in the stead of his deceased father. This blessing promises that in times of danger he would be warned. [From talk given in the Honeyville Ward August 21, 1977, by David C. Tolman commemorating the Ward’s centennial.]
During the first part of January 1875 he had a very interesting experience. He went to work for his Uncle Judson Tolman in about the same place where he was hurt two years before. In his own words, “While in the canyon at work in the evening of the first day I was warned to leave the place by the appearance of, I thought a Nephite. One who was permitted to remain on the earth and bring souls unto Christ. The appearance being so singular and none saw him but me, when he was with us. The thought came so forcibly to my mind that it was no place for me, I left immediately.”

Judson Tolman
On March 1, 1875 he attended the marriage of his sister, Emma, to William Edward Hyde and a few days later he commenced to work for Salt Lake City driving teams, hauling gravel for the streets. On July 22nd of the same year he hauled the first cast iron water pipe for the Salt Lake City water works. Emma’s husband and Benjamin’s brother-in-law, William Hyde, was head of the waterworks for Salt Lake City. About this time he became engaged to a young lady, Miss Eliza Belle Grant, of Brigham City.
Benjamin was baptized into the United Order by Justin Wixom and confirmed at the same time by Elders John Reese and James Pett, the former being mouth. This was on December 30, 1875. He was ordained a Seventy January 30, 1876, in the 16th Quorum of Seventies by Elder Thomas Higgs. On February 7, 1876, he received his endowments in the House of the Lord at Salt Lake City, Utah.
On the 5th of April 1876 he was working on the roof of the house he was helping his sister, Emma and her husband William Hyde build up City Creek Canyon. While on the roof Benjamin was warned to get down and go in the house with his sister and brother-in-law. No sooner had he gone inside than there were three terrific explosions. The powder magazines close by them on the hill above had exploded, where was said to be stored 40 tons of powder. Stones were hurled all around. The rafters were broken and splintered where he had been working. So had he remained on the roof he undoubtedly would have been killed. It was said to have hurled stones five miles, and the jar was felt one hundred miles. They were miraculously saved by having faith in their Creator. The work was supposedly done by enemies of the church.
Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II as a young man
Only four days later, April 9, 1876, Benjamin was called to go on a mission to Great Britain. The next day, April 10, 1876, he was set apart for his mission at the Historians Office by Wilford Woodruff. On the 15th he received his certificate from President Brigham Young, who told him that a mission to England would do him a vast amount of good.
The 24th of April 1876 was an important day in the life of Benjamin for this day he married Miss Eliza Bell Grant at age 17. She was born on 8th February 1859 at Mill Creek, Utah (then the outskirts of Salt Lake City), the daughter of Mary Hunsaker and David Grant. They were married for time and all eternity in the House of the Lord in Salt Lake City, by President Daniel H. Wells. They had a few sacred days together for on May 5th he started on his journey to Europe to fill his mission.
Eliza Belle Grant
Benjamin sailed from New York the 16th of April 1876 on the Steamship “Wyoming”. It was 11 days until he set foot on the British Isles. He was appointed to travel in the Nothingham Conference. He labored there preaching in the out doors. Sometimes he traveled 20 miles by foot in one day. The 1st of January 1877, he was appointed to labor in the Sheffield Conference. He hadn’t been here long when he caught a bad cold that settled in his lungs. He recovered somewhat and labored a while with Elder William Ashworth among the latter’s relatives. He became so ill he was released and sailed for American on April 4, 1877. He received testimony upon testimony and was a good missionary.
Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II, Missionary
In June 1977, also shortly after returning home and trying to get well, Bro. Abraham Hunsaker gave him the privilege of homesteading an 80 acre piece of land. Per his Journal #4, p. 69, “I wish to plough it for fall grain this summer but I have no team and my health is delicate. I wish, also, to build a house this season but I know now what step to take first, it costs so to make a start. Mary Grant, my mother-in-law intends to build in with me I think.”
About this time he commenced working at his life’s work, that of a carpenter, building homes, churches, barns, etc.
Fall of 1877 there were eleven families in Honeyville. August 5th, he was chosen the first Sunday School superintendent of Honeyville, then on September 9, the Honeyville Ward was organized with Abraham Hunsaker as Bishop and B. H. Tolman 1st Counselor and Lewis N. Booth, 2nd counselor. Over the next 20+ years he served as bishop or counselor in several bishoprics.
In October 1879 he was chosen business manager of the Honeyille-Calls Fort Co-op and a year later became postmaster. In April 1881 Bishop Hunsaker asked him to the Co-op Store and run it. He bought his goods principally from Brigham City Co-op, also from Ogden hauling by the same team.
He worked long hours a day as he was a farmer, postmaster, storekeeper, carpenter and built most of the caskets for the dead at night after work was done. In 1884 he helped build two bridges over Bear River, one at Standing and the other at Corrine.
On 3 February 1887 he went into polygamy by marrying Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Neeley Smith in the Logan Temple. Mary Elizabeth Neely was born November 24, 1861 at Brigham City, Utah. She was the daughter of William and Helen Cravath Neeley. She married John W. Smith January 20, 1881, in the old endowment house. After his death on November 13, 1884, she moved to Honeyville and lived with her sister, Lauretta. B. H. gave her work in his store at Honeyville. She later married Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II. The following is what he wrote in his journal: “February 1887 Feb 1 Cold day, snowing and flowing frosty. Took a load of eggs, chicks, etc. to Brigham City. Arrived in the evening, left there in evening, arrived at destination next day (2nd) after a terrible cold night drive, snowing most of the night. Elizabeth went and she was given me for time in Temple.”
Two years later he was arrested by Marshal McLillan and U.S. Commissioner Carrington for unlawful cohabitation. She remained working in the store until August when she had to get out as the officers were after all polygamists. She said no one will ever know only those that went through it what they went through skipping from place to place in the dead of night. Their first child was born at the home of Aunt Polly Tolman Woolley [ Benjamin’s sister] in
Grantsville, Utah. When things quieted down she came back to Honeyville.
Benjamin with others from the stake was called December 26, 1897 as missionaries to labor in Sevier County. They were gone three months and were very successful in their labors. In his journal he wrote: “Pres. Woodruff at the head asking me to fill a three month’s mission among the young men in Zion who have little or no faith in the gospel of the son of God. Oh, how this call does weight me down because of the poor timber of which I am made, but I told him…if God will help me I am satisfied to go. I tremble because of my weakness to fill the call made of me, but I see I have the good will of the people here from the Bishop down and every has a “god bless you” and if I can have that I am satisfied, that is if I can have God’s Spirit to help me I will rejoice to work in His cause.”
He labored in Sevier and Emery Counties. His companion was T. O. Young of (Three Mile) Perry. He started in Annabella and Monroe. He helped organize a M.I.A. in Central and Brocklin. They visited many towns a few being Richfield, Salina, Price and Huntington. The people, even the outsiders loved him. They said he was so kind they joined because they couldn’t refuse him. They concluded their labors the lat of February having brought into the Mutual over six hundred people.
In 1891 he built a new home near the sink springs, one mile east of Honeyville. Two years later the home burned taking everything with it: children’s clothing, bedding, furniture, etc. His wife Eliza Belle was there alone with the baby and two small children when she discovered the fire the entire top of the house was burning. It was years before she entirely got over the shock.
Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II
In May 1902, he was again in a bishopric. [Per Meacham Book] B. H. was a very busy man with never a minute to loaf and he made it a rule to spend several days each year working in the temple for his kindred dead. His
two wives were ever willing to help. At times he remarked, “I don’t believe any man has ever had two greater wives”. He has said many times, “Belle, I haven’t time for breakfast, just time for prayers.” Every day he sought earnestly for divine guidance. A days’ work was from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. and generally from daylight till dusk (sun down).
January 1904 he commenced to work for the Utah Idaho Sugar Co. and in two months he was advanced as foreman over the carpenters, building and fixing flumes for the company. As spring approached he worked on the
power house in the Bear River Canyon.
On July 21, 1904 while standing on a transformer doing some finishing work over head, 2700 volts of electricity struck his leg and he was hurled to the floor with about one-third of his body
burned. He was the first person known to live after being hit with so many volts up to this time. He was taken to the Koegh Wright hospital at Salt Lake City. There he remained for six months. January 21, 1905, he was brought home.
He wrote in his journal, “There is said to have been some 2700 volts of power in the group of wires that went past where I was standing, a foot away or so. It jumped on me with such force that I was knocked away and fell to the pavement some 5 feet from the place I was standing. Since that time I have suffered much and long all these months and so near death’s door so many times but yet the promises of the servants of God prevailed and I have been
delivered. In the Hospital at Salt Lake City, Utah I want to say the Lord blessed the family with health and strength…. The weary 6 months I passed the Koegh Wright Hospital without relish for food much of the time, and poor and weak with the 4 walls of one room to look at, and a thousand and one things that seem to be prison life added to make me homesick, and all my friends joined in the one the thought of bringing me home. The Doctor only seemed to be opposed and so on Saturday the 21st having prepared all things we boarded the train for home, and through the providence of the Lord we arrived home safe, not even feeling weary, yet the condition of my health was quite bad and had been for some weeks past. I now getting along much better with a returning appetite and trust that the change will be approved of heaven, and that the healing process will speed on to complete recovery. I feel that I have suffered now for many months, glad to get home. The surroundings are very pleasant.”
[Author’s Note: I remember by grandfather, Abinadi Tolman, talking about how he camehome from his mission to the Southern States in order for skin grafts being taken off his body to help his father keep his leg. He still had the scars from that attempt. Buthe loved his father and so was willing to help where he could.]
Son, Abinadi Tolman
He was dead many times but was delivered by Eldersadministering to him. March 3, 1905 will be a day long to beremembered by his family as the day of skin grafting. The doctors putAbinadi under the influence of Chloroform and literally skinned his leftthigh. Fifty pieces of skin an inch square were stripped and planted onhis father’s leg. Not too much was known at this time about viable donors for skin grafting. It had been hoped a son’s epidermis might qualify for successful grafting. But the agony endured for both of them was for naught, the grafting was a failure.
The life-long scars Abinadi carried were a tribute to his love for a great man. Another tribute to his courage was given in a letter to Benjamin from Box Elder county Attorney Fred J. Holton. The following an excerpt: “I am very much grieved to hear of your continual illness and misfortune. But I am thrilled with a feeling of pride that you have such a noble and heroic son in having strips of flesh taken from his body in order that his father’s wounds might be healed. Whether the wound is healed or not you ought to be congratulated that you own such a boy.”
For Benjamin the excruciating pain continued. Like a captured slave placed on a torture rack, the skin began drawing and the damaged muscles contracted. All this was for nought [sic] because the doctors had to amputate his left leg on September 13, 1905 leaving a stump of only six inches. It was cut off in three different places because the scar tissue would not hold the stitches.
The surgery done, the amputated leg was carefully wrapped and placed in a small wooden box. Its final resting place was in the southeast corner of the family burial lot in the Son, Abinadi Honeyville Cemetery. There annually on Memorial Day it took the place of honor receiving the most flowers. Later on for grandchildren and great grandchildren alike it became the “best part of the celebration.”
Benjamin slowly recuperated from the surgery. The tender skin placed over the stump from the burned scars continued to pain him. In due time he had a wooden leg made but this was painful to wear. This, too, brought pain as the scars never healed. As he continued to complain about another pain, he said it felt as if his toes were crossed and bent under. This continued until at his insistence, his sons went to the cemetery and unearthed the grave of his parted limb. While other members of the family watched at home with their father for signs of relief, others were stationed outside the home on a little knoll where they could watch the proceedings in the cemetery a few blocks to the east. At a given sign the digging began. Sure enough, the investigation by the diggers revealed two of the toes were crossed and bent down under. At home, the members recorded their father relaxing at the very moment when the toes were carefully straightened.
Unable to work to advantage at his trade, he bought the Honeyville General Store from Benham Hunsaker on June 30, 1906, paying $3,813.00 for building and ground, scales, coal shed, merchandise, etc. and from that time until his death in June 1913, he managed the Tolman & Sons Mercantile Business.
A newspaper article written about Benjamin H. Tolman:
“Benjamin H. Tolman was born in the completed house in Brigham City on March 15, 1853, and moved to Honeyville in 1875, where he engaged in farming, contracting and building and general merchandise business. As a contractor and builder he has built many public houses and dwellings in Box Elder County. He has a fine peach orchard of 1000 trees, doing well. Five years ago Mr. Tolman lost the use of his left leg by being burned with electricity and was laid up for two years but today he is active as a working contractor and his services are in demand. Mr. Tolman has raised a large family is highly respected in the community where his lot is east. He is the senior member of the Mer. Firm of B. H. Tolman & Sons at Honeyville.”
Benjamin’s Family
The following are entries in Benjamin’s journals about the birth of each of his children and the early death of two of his children: He is also worried because his “wife is not very well” or “very low in health”. He wrote
several journal entries about her. Then on February 8, 1878, just seven months later, they had their first child, a daughter, named Sarah Jane probably after his mother. She was born on Belle’s birthday. He blessed her “with that name when 8 days old by it’s [sic] father… I give the Lord thanks as we looked to him and received his favors which is ever ready to bestow on his children.”
On the date of May 29, 1880, “Arose a few hours earlier than usual and about 6 o’clock a.m. a son was born unto me which accounts for early rising. Weight 8-1/3 lbs.” This was Benjamin Hewitt Tolman III.
On July 26-27, 1882, “My wife is feeble today as the weather is very warm. In the evening I was busy choring around, busy with P. O. matters, it being mail night, expecting at the same time an addition to the family in the shape of a little new comer. My expectations were not, however without foundation for at about eleven o’clock he, for it was a he made his appearance for the air was full of his music. Thank you Father in Heaven, all is well with us, mother and child doing well and I ask God our Eternal Father to bless him with health and long life and also us his parents that we may have wisdom and power to bring up him with the rest of them in the paths of virtue and righteousness and that they may become useful men and women in the kingdom of God in the name of Jesus, amen.” This was when David Tolman was born.
Four years later, on Tuesday, June 7, 1887, on the death of David, from rhumatism [sic], heart trouble, and having been ill for six months, these are Benjamin’s words: “My heart is too full and tears will hardly flow to ease the pain. The dear, sweet angel will not say “Pa” anymore in life. How hard he wanted to be with men wherever I went when his life had no other pleasure and he could not hardly hold his dear head up. Why could he not remain when his very life was molded for a Saint. He would kneel down at prayers and no matter how long they were he would close his eyes and be quiet for the whole time, while the other children would not. He head was perfect in shape and now his sweet face shows freeness from pain, the first for months. Oh, Father comfort our hearts in this hour of trial.” Then on Wednesday, the 8th, “Wm Bowcut was dispatched about one o’clock to Beaver Dam for my father, Jarvis and had him here at six o’clock a.m. He made the coffin and the funeral was conducted this evening at our house.”
Dec 2nd 1891 “In looking over my journals I see nothing of Abinadi’s birth. He was born 3 a.m. Oct 22, 1884 and is a fine little black eyed boy full of mischief.” This was Abinadi Tolman.
“July 1887 Fri 22 Wife Belle is not very stout. Sat 23 Eventful day. Another son this afternoon born about 4 p.m., mother smart and I feel pretty well 8 lbs.” This son was Jaren Grant Tolman.
“September 1889 Wed 11 The morning I got up about one o’clock and rustled around somewhat and at about 7:15 o’clock we had another stranger come to visit us and stay as our own and I think we will call him Alphalus as my brother Alphalus sais [sic] he will discontinue the use of the weed (tobacco) if we do this.” However, they named him Jarvis Truman Tolman.
“November 1891 I believe our folks have been quite well, thanks to the Eternal Giver of all good gifts to man. Except Belle. She has been somewhat miserable during the later part of the season till the 11th day November 1891 when she gave us another boy 10 lbs which is six now in a row. We will call him Nathan for his great grandfather, Nathan Tolman. Belle is around having her strength sooner and everything working nicely. This has been an eventful year in
many particulars.” This was Nathan Tolman.
“May 1894 May 8th: We had come to our home about four o’clock this afternoon a little girl about 10 lbs in weight, the eighth in number of Belle’s children. We named her Mary Theda. Her aunt Polly suggested the later and the first was from her Grandmother Grant.” This was Mary Theda Tolman.
“Honeyville, Utah, July 1896 Sat 4: I took a trip into the mountains, hunting or prospecting for onyx. In the afternoon we found something far better, for at about 15 minutes after 5, Belle presented us with a little girl weighing 7-1/2 lbs. Weather warm and dry.” This was Emma Angell Tolman.
“March 1899 Wed 8 Got up at three a.m. and at 7 or perhaps 8 minutes after a 9 lb. boy came to live with us. He weighted about 10 lbs clothes [sic] and all and we are happy in the addition to the family.“ This was Claudius Tolman.
“March 1901 Mon 4 Belle was not feeling just right and had me out too early… Returned later that is on the 6 pm. Train. Belle is still feeling pretty rocky as saying goes and so I hustled a number of elders and we administered to her a couple of times and she was relieved of her trouble and we all went to bed about midnight to be called again about 2:30 a.m. Mar 5 and in about 1-1/2 hours another girl came to bless us we hope. She was born about 20 minutes to 4 o’clock and the poor little wee thing has suffered everything it seems for the last 10 or 12 hours from its birth. We felt that her time was up to go some two or three hours after its birth and we hastened to bless it and name it and we gave it the name of Twilla, accent on 2nd syllable. She is at this writing 12 hours old, resting quite well, but still too weak to nurse and get the nourishment she needs. We have administered to her a number of times and it seems that the Lord designs for her to live.” Her name was Alice Twilla Tolman.
There was a lot of sickness in the family in December 1903. The youngest baby, Twilla, caught what was going around. “Tue 29 Twilla seems to be drowsy and it is a very bad thing to arouse her. She is very set about taken medicine and sets her teeth like a vice. It is a trial to have to force the little teeth apart in order to treat the darlings little innocent throat. Wed 30 It is a sad thing to see our babe growing worse and none to help. She now seems to manifest much agony and it pulls our heart strings. Our little singer who filled our home with so much sunshine has to leave us. May God comfort us, no one else can. We notice that she is sinking each hour
and Oh what suffering for a poor little innocent child. We have tried to leave her in the hands of the Lord and not keep her in so much seemingly agony. This is a terrible night. How it makes one’s heart ache to see this sorrow. Thu 31 Our home is bereft of a lovely little child. Twilla died at 3 a.m. This morning. Mary and I watched to the end. Oh it does seem such a trial to see such agony to the last move make bk [sic] such a dear one but the Lord knows it all, even the end from the beginning and we will praise His holy name. Belle is worn out almost she has not left the bedside scarcely for weeks or approaching that length of time. It is about 3 weeks since the first one came down…. But the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, bless by the name of the Lord.”
Benjamin and Eliza Belle Tolman Family including 10 of their 11 children
On February 3, 1887 Benjamin took a second wife, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Neeley Smith. To this union were born two children. She already had a child, Myrtle Smith, with her previous husband.
“February 1888 Mon 13 Took train early for Grantsville…. I continued to remain at this place doing work for Bro Woolley principally making fence … until March 1 1888 when I was presented with a 10 lb girl, Elizabeth having a very fair time. Polly [assume his sister] and others have been so kind and willing to do too much.” This girl was named Paulie Belle Tolman.
“August 1893 On Sunday July 30 about 20 minutes past 8 p.m. Mary’s hopes were realized in a 10 lb boy making my family number about 12 [sic] souls counting Mary’s girl, Mrytle Smith. [There were really 10 up to this point; he didn’t count correctly.] Counting David I have 7 sons and two daughters a family like a flock as the scriptures tell about.” The boy born was Austin Smith Tolman.
Benjamin and his second wife, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Neeley Smith, and their two children, Paulie Belle and Austin Smith. Myrtle Smith, with her previous husband
Benjamin and his second wife, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Neeley Smith. ,and their two children, Paulie Belle and Austin Smith. Myrtle Smith, with her previous husband. After this child he had three more daughters and one more son born, making a total of 13 children, 8 sons and 5 daughters, born to Benjamin Hewitt Tolman and his two wives, Eliza Belle Grant Tolman and Mary Elizabeth Neeley Smith Tolman, with only two dying in infancy.
They helped to also raise Myrtle Smith.
Benjamin’s Death
In 1913 Eliza Belle not only lost by death her husband, but also her son, Jaren, her mother (Mary Hunsaker) and her daughter-in-law (Ellen Weatley Tolman) and still she said “The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Her implicit faith and trust in her Heavenly Father was indeed an attribute, which in turn helped her through many trials and tribulations. Her way of living was simple, buthumble and sincere and a source of inspiration for all those who knew her. She conformed her life to the teachings of the restored Gospel and loved it dearly, and taught by precept and example. She died on the 12th of September 1933, at the age of seventy-four.
After Benjamin’s dead in 1913, Mary Elizabeth returned from Logan where she had been working in the temple and boarding some of the children that were going there to school. In 1915 she was appointed postmaster in Honeyville and held this position until January 1, 1932. She suffered with diabetes for 20 years and it finally took her life April 2, 1938 at the age of seventy-seven.
Referring to the talk given by David C. Tolman on August 21, 1977 about getting to know his grandfather Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II: “As I read his diary it was not uncommon to come across prayers that he would write for his posterity and for others. I give you two examples:”
“May 5, 1883. Here let me say to my children and all those who read this, hold your virtue dearer than your life… Oh God have mercy according to thy loving kindness on us and preserve our children from these snares of the evil one. I pray for it in the name of thy dear son, Jesus, Amen.”
“July 9, 1884. I pray God our Eternal Father to guide me by His Sprit in the ways of righteousness all the remainder of my life and to give me wisdom to bring up my family in the ways of life that when we pass this life we shall find we have advanced and conquered with nothing to regret but satisfied with our work on earth. Even so. Amen.”
Benjamin was often included with his father’s brother Judson’s family. Benjamin is at the far left of the second row.
“Family Book of Remembrance and Genealogy with Allied Lines,” compiled by LeonidasDeVon Mecham, December 25, 1952
“History of Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II Son of Benajmin Hewitt Tolman and Sarah Jane Angel,” compiled by Dawn Tolman Mills, October 1951.
“Journals of Benjamin Hewitt Tolman II” published by The Tolman Family Organization 2007.)
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