Get Involved Preserve and Share Their Stories
Help preserve our ancestor’s stories using FamilySearch and other technologies.

An African proverb teaches that when an elderly person dies, a library burns to the ground. Too many elderly relatives pass away without documenting their personal history. These beloved members of the family have inspiring stories to tell and it’s important these stories are preserved for their posterity.
Download “Tips for helping elderly family members preserve and share their history.
If you would like to get involved in our 60 and Older Project, join our committee.
Start with the Heart Versus the Chart
Which stories from your ancestors have turned your heart?
Less than four percent of the members of the Church submit names for temple ordinances. How do we involve the rest of our family? FamilySearch is changing its strategy and so should we. Rather than starting with genealogical data (names, dates, and places), start with getting to know your ancestors through their stories and see if your heart is turned to your kindred dead.
Visit or our Story Gallery and discover more about who you are.
Hold regular Family Tree Gatherings...
Elder Quentin L. Cook said, “We finally have the doctrine, the temples, and the technology for families to accomplish this glorious work of salvation. I suggest one way this might be done. Families could hold a “Family Tree Gathering.” This should be a recurring effort. Everyone would bring existing family histories, stories, and photos, including cherished possessions of grandparents and parents. Our young people are excited to learn about the lives of family members—where they came from and how they lived. Many have had their hearts turned to the fathers. They love the stories and photos, and they have the technological expertise to scan and upload these stories and photos to Family Tree and connect source documents with ancestors to preserve these for all time. Of course, the main objective is to determine what ordinances still need to be done and make assignments for the essential temple work. The My Family booklet can be utilized to help record family information, stories, and photos that can then be uploaded to Family Tree.” (Elder Quentin L. Cook, Roots and Branches, CR, April 2014).
Over the years, the family organization has gathered photos, stories, and documents of a significant number of our ancestors including published histories. During 2017, these family history artifacts will be made available on the website and also uploaded to FamilySearch where they can be preserved, safeguarded, and shared for generations.

Why FamilySearch? There are at least 10 reasons to use FamilySearch to help tell your ancestors’ stories.

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